Mom Graduates and Z Crawls
A big week indeed for the Hanselman Family. My mom, Franci, age 60 (she doesn't mind saying) graduated from PSU with a Master's in Education. An amazing accomplishment at any age I say. She held her own against the 20-somethings and graduated Magna Cum Laude.
Correction - Dad says a 3.82 GPA is Summa Cum Laude, my bad!
She's been working at this for a very long time and we're all very proud of her. Congratulations Mom!
And speaking of life-altering forward motion, in a fantastic sequel to the Hit Video "Z Rolls" today Z created a soon-to-be-hit Z Crawls! Now we're frantically running around baby-proofing the house. Just kidding, it's been baby-proofed for months. ;)
Tip: We put a number of sheets of clear plexiglass in front of the multimedia/stereo equipment. These plastic pieces are L-shaped with one side sitting underneath the component with the other side shielding the front. This lets the remote control continue to work while preventing Z from inserting a sandwich into the VCR.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Don't blink: he'll be running around before you know it. I can't believe my daughter turns 2 in the fall.
What are you using to record the video? Is it safe to have the fan on the floor? My son is due in a couple of weeks.
Keep up the good work on HanselMinutes..It makes driving sane.
to lock away my electronics but still have remote control. I did it for aesthetic reasons originally, but defense against the PB&J is an even more compelling reason. :)
surprisingly my daughter never took interest inserting things into the VCR (though from my empirical studies boys do). Maybe if you dont bring attention to it nothing will happen.
Congrats to your Mom, that is awesome, and you go Z, programmers need their exercise.
As for the rolling, crawling thing, that's always great. VCR though? C'mon techno-geek, it's DVDs all the way. Video tapes are so 1990s.
So you're going to get him a little plastic ball so he can crawl and zoom around the house now? You know, like a hamster (or is it hampster?).
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Scott from WI