Pinning Useful and Obscure Stuff to the Windows 8 Start Menu
There were a lot of good comments on my post Windows 8 productivity: Who moved my cheese? Oh, there it is. I've continued to explore ways to remove clicks from my life and shorten keystroke chains. A number of folks said they didn't like this thing or that thing because they felt something used to be 2 clicks and now it's 3 or it used to be 1 and now it's 8. It's good to be reminded that you can customize almost everything in Windows. You can make scripts and batch files to your heart's content, and most importantly, any shortcut to nearly anything can be pinned to both the Taskbar and the Start Menu. Here's some examples just to make the point.
Let's say that you want to quickly get to the folder where you download stuff. You can make the Downloads folder available on the Taskbar as well as the new Start menu.
Pin to a Taskbar icon
You can drag any folder to your Explorer Taskbar icon and pin it. Here the menu is visible when right-clicking on the Explorer icon. You can also pin (promote) links from the Frequent section as well.
Pin to the Windows 8 Start Menu Screen
You can also take any icon or folder from the desktop and right-click to Pin to Start.
Now my Downloads folder is on my Start and can be opened in one click/touch after pressing the Windows key.
Pinning other Shortcuts of all Kinds
Once you know you can pin stuff, you can make custom shortcuts and pin other stuff. Right click anywhere and make a new Shortcut. This is a generic pointer to whatever you like.
You can change the properties of a shortcut like I have here. I've got a shortcut to shutdown with -t 0 added to the parameters so the system will shutdown immediately.
NOTE: You CAN make these shortcuts if it will make you happy but in the case of Shutdown, I just press the Power Button.
Now just right click the new shortcut and pin it to either the Taskbar or Start. If you're tidy, and I am sure you are, why not customize the icon?
And now my new Shutdown icon looks like this. There you go, one-click shutdown. Happy? ;)
Pinning Custom Actions like Sleep and Restart
You can of course make more complex shortcuts to do things like Sleep your computer with other commands.
Shutdown Computer
Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
Restart Computer
Shutdown.exe -r -t 00
Lock Workstation
Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation
Hibernate Computer
rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState
Sleep Computer
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
NOTE: You CAN make these shortcuts if it will make you happy but in the case of Sleep, I just close the lid on my laptop.
Pin Internet Explorer 10 Desktop in the Start Menu
Now that you have figured out how to make crazy shortcuts then Pin them. Hopefully this is as empowering to you as it is to me.
As a Web Developer I have a bunch of Web Browsers pinned to both Start and the Taskbar. However, the Internet Explorer icon in the Start Menu goes to the full screen IE10 and sometimes I want the Desktop IE10.
If you refer to this old old old Windows XP Knowledge Base Article you'll see that they show a number of ways you can make Internet Explorer shortcuts. Of course, the easiest one is the one you should do. ;)
NOTE: You can also make a more "real" Internet Explorer link with this "%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}" as a new Shortcut if you like.
Go to c:\program files\internet explorer and right click on iexplore.exe and pin it. Alternatively you can Copy, then Paste Shortcut, then Rename the shortcut. I named mine "Internet Explorer (Desktop)."
Now I've got two choices! Just like I like it.
Pinning Web Sites and Customizing IE10 Pinned Site Icons
You can pin Web Sites from within IE10 using the menu in the lower right corner. That's also the same context menu that includes Jump Lists. Jump Lists can be added easily with just <meta> keys in your HTML.
If your favicon.ico has a 32x32 version that is the resolution of Icon that will be used for your pinned site. The background color for the icon comes from the main color of the icon.
If you want a different icon or color, you can set those with Meta Tags as well. Hm, my giant head isn't big enough. I'll add a 144x144 PNG.
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="/blog/images/hanselman-144.png" />
There we go. Much clearer. I can also control the background color with msapplication-TileColor if I want using a #rgb color.
I've pinned all sorts of stuff. Apps, Links, Folders, Browsers, Custom Tasks, Libraries and more. No, I didn't actually pin my face. Oh, and that days app is "Save The Date."
Have fun customizing!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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What I want to know is...Has anybody done anything useful with that huge tile with the word Mail on?!! I am thinking hard cheese here :)
I have 3 monitors, and am trying to keep the Start screen and it's apps in one of the three.
Two things I wish I could do in this mode:
1) Have a large tile with the current date/time on the start screen.
2) Keep the start screen up at all times without having to have an app running.
I want to treat the third monitor like a tablet. I think this is real important when I start switching to touch capable, I won't be able to change all at once.
If they really want customization, they'll install Linux :-)
btw i got above link from ur FB status ;)
The internet explorer shortcut doesn't work on my work dev box (it is on an AD and Visual Studio 2012 cant start it either) :(
Oh, and great stuff on Windows 8! I installed last week and have enjoyed finding my cheese through your posts.
I have only used it on Win7 but it is supposed to work in Win8 as well.
Todd Price
toddwprice at Google Mail
I'm trying posting this time using my Google Id.
BTW I loved the podcast with Rob Connery interviewing you. You've got to have him do that regularly. Heck if he does it weekly you'll be a reality podcast star.
I threw caution to the wind and upgraded my Win 7 ultimate instance to Win 8 (without a full backup - which I don't recommend). It took me a little while to get over the shock factor, and I wanted to figure it out without all the hype. I got to a good working place with it in about 2-3 hours. The upgrade was flawless, and I'm really starting to like it a lot.
I want to convert one of my apps on Windows Phone ( to Windows 8 and do some upgrades. Love the blog. Love Hanselminutes. Thanks for all you do to inform the rank and file!
Here is it.
If you have any requests or features you want, feel free to contact me.
Great article Scott. Really appreciate it. Nice to see some features called out from what can easily feel like an overwhelming change to "how we do things."
Petr Vavro
I just have a general comment: I guess everyone that has the RTM of Win8 installed must've got it via Technet or MSDN as it's not yet had a retail release. If this is the case I assume that everyone is not using it for their everyday "normal" operating system (i.e. for checking e-mail, browsing, playing games etc.) since this contravenes the terms of the licensing agreement for Technet and MSDN. My point is that is there a legal way that I could start using Win8 (RTM, not RC) for "normal" use now rather than waiting until the retail release?
powershell.exe -file Stop-NonEssentialServices.ps1
powershell.exe -c Stop-Service mssqlserver,iisadmin,etc
Tip: Add "-noprofile" for faster execution if you don't need any profile scripts loaded to carry out the commands.
Settings Charm > Power > Sleep works
SetSuspendState was never designed to be called by rundll32 and you will get random behavior!
Grab a copy of wizmo or some other utility to get a safe and working standby shortcut (shutdown.exe can hibernate)
But perhaps you're just hoping we'll all buy you a present! :o)
Oh wait yeah thats right coz ms wants us to embrace metro and force us into being less productive by having to switch back and fourth all time and create friggen shortcuts just to alleviate some of the pitfalls of the OSes UI :(.
Tell me Scott did MS do any HCI usability studies with the metro UI in the first place? Coz if not then thats a fail right there
OK, we can't get the year from your screenshot, but a quick Google for "how old is Scott Hanselman" will reveal the answer.
Richard - Well done!
But you could do it easily in Windows 7.
Looks like a regression.
Why do I even need to ask about this. The need for, and reliance on, consistency is a basic, hardwired instinct for every living creature. The fact that MS would even consider feature like auto-pinning demonstrates their complete disregard for the needs of the user at for the sake of puffing up the feature list. It's mindless, arrogant, over-engineering. I used to work in IT. When I would install Office on someone's computer the FIRST thing they would ask me is "How do I turn off the smart menus?" For those who dont know, smart menus are menus that only show options that the user recently used. There is a option on every menu titled "Show full menu". How stupid is that? When the user would use an option they hadn't used in a while it would insert itself in the menu and displace (move) all the other options the user was used to clicking. on. So the user would move the mouse to the location they expect their menu option to be..... but it wouldn't be there anymore. And it would change every few days, making the look for things rather than use the menus by INSTINCT. On its face the auto-pin thing sounds nice but you only have to use it for five minutes to realize you will never be able to instinctively navigate the start menu/screen as long as MS is changing it daily on you.
I use to work with my Hotmail and having my Excell and Word files in the same screen,....but apparently...this is not possible with the Windos8...could you help me please???
thanks in advance for your time...
How to disable the FN button on HP Laptops
> I have an app that I want to pin to the taskbar twice - the second instance having parameters to make it do different things on startup. In Win7 this was no problem but Win8 won't let me pin the 2nd instance. How can I achieve what I want? <
So, I guess the lack of an answer means it can't be done?
If you want the date and times for up to four different cities around the world to appear on a start screen tile, you can try my "World Time Clock" app.
Alan Anderson
I just got the latest version of Internet Explorer & a new computer. I want to be able to access the Start Menu without exiting Internet Explorer, something I used to be able to to.
I also want to be able to pull up a new window but it won't let me - I have to make up a search in Yahoo (I always have my email opened)& then type in what I want. (Also, after 3 windows are open Internet Explorer starts using the existing windows, & won't open a new one)
All of a sudden, I can't do these simple things and have looked everywhere on my computer to try to find the option to fix this & can't. Can you help?
Steam games.
Load steam which can be acquired by:
1. browse to
2. click little green install button at top right
click "library" to show a list your games.
right click on a game and select "create shortcut on desktop"
right click on new shortcut on desktop ...
Where's my pin option?
I can't pin this???? awwww
Thanks for the info.
I have been trying to pin the Photos metro app to my taskbar but with no success. I can't find its path so that I can create a shortcut for it. Searched a lot on the net but could not find anything. Its driving me crazy. Any ideas?
My issue is a little different. I want to pin the Camera metro app to the desktop taskbar. When I right click it in the Start menu, Pin to Taskbar option is not available. I found the webcam.exe file in "Program Files" but when I tried to execute it, I got a message saying that program has to start within the app container. Can you please help me in achieving this task.
Thank you
Do you have a newer version than me, or were you maybe thinking of an older Windows version? Even in Windows 7, as well as 8, it is impossible to pin a folder to the task bar. There is already an icon in the task bar that looks like a folder with a silver bracket. This icon merely opens Windows explorer (typically to the Libraries folder). You cannot add any additional folder icons to the desktop. If you try, it just modifies that existing icon. For example, if I have a folder called "mystuff" and I drag it to the task bar, it does NOT pin it there. It pins it to the context (right-click) menu of the existing folder icon - absolutely not the same thing as pinning to the task bar.
"You cannot add any additional folder icons to the desktop."
As may be obvious, this is a typo, and was meant to say:
"You cannot add any additional folder icons to the TASK BAR."
Please pardon the typo. :)
I often work wit desktop and keyboard command, so I've found the shortcut [window key] + D to open desktop.
I try to execute at startup this shortcut (like rundll32.exe user32.dll shortcut) but I cant find it.
Can anyone help me?
Please answer me by mail (
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