Power User Windows Registry Tweaks
I've collected these over the years, and I keep them in My Documents so I can setup a new machine the way I like it. I remember where I found a few, others not so much. So, if I've not thanked you - thank you. If you were the one that made a particular hack, let me know in comments and you'll be attributed.
Warning: Use this stuff so VERY much At Your Own Risk. And read them in notepad before you double-click to make sure any paths are appropriate to your machine.
- Add 'Cleanup Drives' to the My Computer Right-Click Menu:
- Add 'Notepad2' to ALL Right-Click Menus [Steve Clark] (note: I renamed Notepad2 to n.exe to save all those 'otepads'):
- Add 'Event Viewer' to the My Computer Right-Click Menu:
- Fix the Windows Search and treat all unknown extensions as text (.txt) files [Chris Sells]:
- Update/Change the CleanMgr.exe (Drive Cleanup) to include better options, and remove the unused and slow Compress Old Files [Shawn A. Van Ness] (warning: this deletes four registry keys):
- Adds System Restore, Services, LogOff, Reboot, Shutdown, Device Manager, Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs to My Computer Right-Click Menu:
- Cause Cmd.exe to ALWAYS run 'vsvars32.bat' no matter what [Travis Illig]
UPDATE: Sorry, my ISP was blocking .reg extensions. They are now .txt, you'll need to SaveAs... them yourself.
UPDATE^2: Oy, sorry again, bad link on VolumeCaches.reg and bad chars in MajorControl.reg. Fixed. Thanks for catching it.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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DriveCleanup.reg (.2 KB)"
This .reg file seems to be the same as:
"Add 'Cleanup Drives' to the My Computer Right-Click Menu:
DriveCleanup.reg (.2 KB)'"
Did you forget to link to the the right one?
When I got to work, the install program wasn't available to me, so IT spent 2 hours finding it, it was the wrong one, so I had to reinstall all of Office
My question is : how do I undo it?
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