Programmatically adding Mime Types to IIS
Can you add Mime Types to IIS programmatically? KBs say no:
This VBS will though: (Update: This guy did essentially the same thing!)
Dim LocalMimeMap, MimeMap
Dim ExtensionToAdd, MimeTypeToAdd
Dim i
Set LocalMimeMap = GetObject("IIS://localhost/MimeMap")
MimeMap = LocalMimeMap.GetEx("MimeMap")
ExtensionToAdd = InputBox("Extension:","IIS") 'TODO Take this from the Command Line
MimeTypeToAdd = InputBox("MIME Type:","IIS") 'TODO Take this from the Command Line
i = UBound(MimeMap)+1
Redim Preserve MimeMap(i) 'Make it bigger and maintain its contents
Set MimeMap(i) = CreateObject("MimeMap") 'Add onto the end
MimeMap(i).Extension = ExtensionToAdd
MimeMap(i).MimeType = MimeTypeToAdd
LocalMimeMap.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE,"MimeMap",MimeMap 'Poke it back in
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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The settings are for the ".application" and ".manifest" file extensions, and the MIME type for each should be set to "application/x-ms-application."
Of course you can go through the normal IIS configuration tools, but having the script simplifies things.
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