Regulating Regular Expressions
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It's OK to shamelessly plug yourself if you're introspective about it. That's what I always say. Roy posted Regulator and it is quite the studly Regular Expressions IDE. A good addition to anyone's C:/UTILS. With all these RegEx tools, I'm all set:
- Roy Osherove's Regulator - Roy enters the RegEx fray with a bang, and with syntax highlighting and web services integration with The very definition of slick.
- Eric Gunnerson's Regular Expression Workbench - Nice .NET interactive Regular Expression builder.
- Expresso is a new free tool for working with regular expressions in .NET.
- RegexDesigner.NET from Chris Sells
- The Regular Expression builder inside of SharpDevelop (which is worth the download just to read the SharpDevelop code!)
Regulate - Warren G
I'm tweaking
into a whole new era
step to this
I dare ya
on a whole new level
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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