Scott Hanselman (that's me) on .NET Rocks! Live! Friday 9am PST over Windows Media and Skype.
Tomorrow (assuming I get up) I'll be on .NET Rocks Live! with Carl Franklin and Rory Blyth. It's like Howard Stern, but with code, and it doesn't suck.
We're going to chat about all sorts of fun stuff. ASP.NET, XML, Web Services, Perf Counters, DevDays, etc.
Please do check it out. If you're on the East Coast, listen to us at 12pm EST as if we were your lunch time radio show (the .NET Gang, those wacky pundits :) ), and if you're on the West Coast listen to us at 9am PST and pretend we're the .NET Morning Zoo!
If you'd like, check out my first .NET Rocks show, it's archived!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Now *that* is a spooky analogy. Hey, if there's a segment where you strip down and do inappropriate things to each other then give me a heads up so I can Skype in for it.
P.S. Yuck.