TechEd Developers 2006 - Greetings from Spain
Hola from Spain. A crazy flight, and a crazy night as Z (my 11 month old) struggles to adjust to the 9 hour time change, but we arrived and survived.
Here's a picture of this morning's presentation, specifically the "Abilities of the Architect" talk at the Architecture Pre-Conference with Ron Jacobs and I.
Already a blog post from Lorenzo Barbieri, an attendee, about the talk where I explained to the European audience what "The Bus Factor" is.
Architecting by Coincidence - Bella la definizione... simile a quella di Programming by Coincidence, ma con conseguenze ancora piĆ¹ gravi...
Fa il paio con "The Bus Factor": cosa succederebbe al vostro progetto se la persona X venisse investita da un autobus?
- (feel free to translate at the BabelFish)
It's a common turn of phrase in the states. I didn't coin it, I'm sure it just was out there, but I mentioned it once here.
...stuff like this has what I call a "High Bus Factor." That means if the developer who wrote it is hit by a bus, you're screwed.
Great questions from the audience and all in all, a fine time was had by all.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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