Useful Util: Recording [screen capturing] movies info Flash (SWF)
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What a fantastic 'doh! I should have thought of that' idea. Using a Cross-Platform VNC Viewer to record Flash Movies of a user's movements. This could replace Camtasia for me, cheaply and easily.
Sample Movie
Update! Double DOH! Jon Galloway points out that I blogged first and read later. It only runs on *nix. So, I have to fire up my Linux VM or keep using Camtasia. Crap, caught between a rock and US$299.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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April 08, 2004 2:02
Cool idea. Looks like it's a Unix only tool, though: "Vnc2swf runs on UN*X. Currently I don't have any plan for porting to Windows." (from the link in the article).
CamStudio does something similar for free. I suppose it's not as performant as Camtasia, but it's woth trying. It must have been good enough, since Macromedia bought it and it's selling it under as RoboDemo. The last freeware version was 2.1:
You could try the Virtual PC 2004 / Windows Media Encoder 9 combo to record full screen VM sessions.
If you are recording for a demo, you may want to give Wink a shot ( Hint: if you capture only a single window, don't move it while recording.
The other solution is to use WMP 9 Encoder: IIRC, it has a mode specifically designed for recording display activity that avoids the usual messy artifacts.
The other solution is to use WMP 9 Encoder: IIRC, it has a mode specifically designed for recording display activity that avoids the usual messy artifacts.
There is a small utility called ScreenFlash that records everything you do into a Flash movie and only costs $169 (crap, it used to be $79).
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