A Day in the Z - Mischief and Mayhem 1
WARNING: This post has nothing technical going on. Maybe a little because of the MP4 compressed video, but that's a stretch at best. If you don't have young kids, or perhaps you hate pets and/or small children, ignore this post.
My good friend Eli told me after the birth of his lovely young daughter:
Kids go through three phases, Plant, Pet, Person. My daughter (A month old at this point) is currently a Plant. We feed her, she water us, and she sits for long periods. Z is now in the Pet stage. He'll follow you anywhere and smiles when he sees you.
God help us when they become People. Because with People come Opinions.
Z is eight and a half months old and he's unstoppable. He's a biscuit away from walking and he roams the house ruling with an iron, if slightly moist, fist. This is an obnoxiously long video with no audio of my pride and joy roaming the house.
A few notes and disclaimers. The kitchen is being remodelled so that's why we have no countertops. Z is in the "decoy drawer" that I've setup for him that includes old remote controls and random safe stuff for him to 'discover.'
This video is an MP4. If you have trouble viewing it, try Quicktime, a newer Windows Media Player, or the amazing-give-it-to-your-famly VLC Player.
File Attachment: ZMischief.mp4 (5882 KB)
We'll be back in tech tommorow.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Nice to see that you, as a hardcore geek, have a Dyson; you should really get the one with the ball, it is a joy to use (if you are into that kind of thing).
Scott: Decoy drawer. Brilliant.
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This child has found the garage door opener and is bumpin in the HanselMobile. The internet tubes are full.
But seriously, 404 on the video link. Even tried it in wfetch just to make sure it wasn't operator error.