An Error occured during the installation of assembly component - 98cb24ad-52fb-db5f-a01f-c8b3b9a1e18e
This is a lousy error message for a number of reasons:
An Error occurred during the installation of assembly component - 98cb24ad-52fb-db5f-a01f-c8b3b9a1e18e
- It doesn't tell me the file name.
- It gives me a GUID that sends me into the registry looking for COM stuff only to find nothing
- It uses the word "assembly" that implies .NET and sends me into the GAC only to find nothing
Instead this is an error from deep in the underbelly of Windows in a section that dare not speaks its name - Side-By-Side or WinSXS.
This says that something horribly wrong while installing the VC++ 8.0 C Runtime into the WinSXS 'subsystem' folder under C:\windows.
I'm getting this error while installing TortoiseSVN4 on a Windows Vista RC1 machine. This is what my WORKING system looks like:
This is the non-working system:
Now I'm not sure what to do. No one is allowed to install files into c:\windows\winsxs\manifests except the TrustedInstaller user...not even Administrator. Je suis screwed.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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2006-09-18 23:25:24, Info SXS Install Assembly from C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Local\Temp\SxsTemp\20060918232514616.0\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_0de06acd.manifest
2006-09-18 23:25:24, Info SXS Submitting stage transaction with 5 operations
2006-09-18 23:25:24, Info CSI 00000018 Performing 5 operations; 5 are not lock/unlock and follow:
Stage (1): flags: 00000008 app: [Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral]) comp: Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral man: @0x376f0c
StageFile (2): flags: 00000008 app: [Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral]) comp: Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral file: [ml:24{12},l:22{11}]"msvcr80.dll" srcfile: @0x376bac
StageFile (2): flags: 00000008 app: [Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral]) comp: Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral file: [ml:24{12},l:22{11}]"msvcp80.dll" srcfile: @0x3770bc
StageFile (2): flags: 00000008 app: [Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral]) comp: Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL
2006-09-18 23:25:24, Info CSI (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral file: [ml:24{12},l:22{11}]"msvcm80.dll" srcfile: @0x37696c
AddCat (14): flags: 0 catfile: @0x376d14
2006-09-18 23:25:25, Info CSI 00000019 Creating NT transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)"
2006-09-18 23:25:25, Info CSI 0000001a Created NT transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x3d0
2006-09-18 23:25:25, Info CSI 0000001b (F) c0190005 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_TRANSACTION,Code=5] #3976# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectFileSystemProvider::SysCreateFile(flags = 0, handle = {provider=NULL, handle=0}, da = (FILE_GENERIC_READ), oa = @0x149eda0->OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {s:24; rd:NULL; on:[57]"\SystemRoot\WinSxS\Temp\80d01d64b4dbc60101000000640b200b\"; a:(OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE)}, iosb = @0x149edb8, as = (null), fa = (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY), sa = (FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE), cd = FILE_OPEN, co = (FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE|FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT|0x00004000), eab = NULL, eal = 0, disp = Invalid)
2006-09-18 23:25:25, Info CSI 0000001c@2006/9/19:06:25:25.221 (F) d:\vistarc1\base\wcp\sil\merged\ntu\ntsystem.cpp(1408): Error c0190005 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_TRANSACTION,Code=5] originated in function Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectFileSystemProvider::SysCreateFile expression: (null)
2006-09-18 23:25:25, Info CSI 0000001d (F) c0190005 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_TRANSACTION,Code=5] #3975# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CSystemIsolationLayer_IRtlSystemIsolationLayerTearoff::OpenFilesystemDirectory(flags = 0, da = (FILE_GENERIC_READ), dn = [ml:196{98},l:114{57}]"\SystemRoot\WinSxS\Temp\80d01d64b4dbc60101000000640b200b\", sa = (FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE), oo = (FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE|FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT|FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT), dir = NULL, disp = (null))
2006-09-18 23:25:25, Info SXS Submitting install transaction
2006-09-18 23:25:26, Info CSI 0000001e Performing 1 operations; 1 are not lock/unlock and follow:
Install (5): flags: 0 tlc: [Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Version = 8.0.50727.42, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b}, Type = [l:10{5}]"win32", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral]) ref: ( flgs: 00000000 guid: {27dec61e-b43c-4ac8-88db-e209a8242d90} name: [l:0]"" ncdata: [l:62{31}]"C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe") thumbprint: [l:128{64}]"935df4549e21123a2efb986a707f54475380a037519679510e4b4dfc4bdb5767"
2006-09-18 23:25:26, Info CSI 0000001f Cannot install deployment that's not staged
2006-09-18 23:25:26, Info CSI 00000020@2006/9/19:06:25:26.814 (F) d:\vistarc1\base\wcp\componentstore\csd_transact.cpp(1591): Error STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUND originated in function CCSDirectTransaction::InstallDeployment expression: (null)
2006-09-18 23:25:26, Info CSI 00000021 (F) STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUND #4101# from CCSDirectTransaction::OperateEnding at index 0 of 1 operations, disposition 0
2006-09-18 23:25:26, Info CSI 00000022 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUND) #4017# from Windows::COM::CComponentStore::IStore2_Transact2(...)
2006-09-18 23:25:26, Error SXS Transact2 failed with 0x800736b3
Comments are closed.
There were some synchronization/coordination problems between the MSI based component installs and the OS optional component/patch installs which should be fixed at this point (I think that some of the fixes may have gone in post-RC1 but I can probably verify that from the log).
I agree the error message is ... not great; I'll forward this link to the appropriate folks.