Diabetes Walk 2006 - The Day of the Walk
I want to publically and formally again thank everyone who has donated to help find diabetes with Team Hanselman at this year's Diabetes Walk.
I'll update this post tommorow with pictures of the walk and the turnout.
Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to make a final call for donations to take us into stratosphere. If you haven't donated, perhaps you were thinking about it but hadn't taken the time, I want to assure you that donations are completely tax-deductible in the US.
You can donate to fight diabetes here, securely, online.
Here's a list of the donors that made this amazing day possible.
Judith Agee - Andres Aguiar - Christopher Aitchison - khalid almarzook - Chris Arndt - Sarat Atluri - Terry Austin - Bill Ayers - David Ball - Edward Ball - Guy Barrette - Stephen Barron - John Batdorf - Dave Bettin - Michael Bonnell - John Bristowe - Christopher Brooks - Kayla Brown - John Bush - Michelle Button - Tyron Button - Richard Campbell - Michael Caron - Glenn Carr - Patrick Cauldwell - Vikki Cauldwell - Daniel Cazzulino - Lois Celarier - Stuart Celarier - Santiago Cepas - Matthew Clendening - Rebecca Cohoon - Mauricio Collares - thomas cook - Galynne Davis - Richard Day - Margaret Decker - Richard DeLong - Donald Demcsak - Kenneth DesRochers - Brian Donahue - Nicholas Emery - Moshe Eshel - Marc Fairorth - Eric Farr - Simon Fell - Joshua Flanagan - Jason Follas - Stephen Forte - Carl Franklin - Jeroen Frijters - Elizabeth Gee - Barry Gervin - Ken Getz - Robert Gilmore - Daryl Golinsky - Paul Gomes - Jonathan Goodyear - Peter Gossmann - Carlos Guevara - Michael Gunderloy - Phillip Haack - David Hanselman - Jack Hanselman - Scott Hanselman - Jason Harper - Andrew Hay - Nicholas Hebb - Scott Hess - Howard Hill - PHIL HOCHSTETLER - Kenneth Holloway - James Holmes - Mark Horninger - Jeff Huber - Gregory Hughes - Paolo Hutchison - Lucas Hutteman - Patrick Hynds - Avesh Jain - Jeff Julian - Ed Kaim - Joseph Kaplan - Chris Kinsman - Timothy Kling - Bala Krishna Kodarapu - Leon Lane - Mats Lanner - Brian Lee - Debra Lee - Devon Lee - Bryant Likes - Gerrard Lindsay - Walter Lounsbery - Gregory Low - Jessica Lunceford - Kalen Lunceford - William Lunceford - Katrin Maehle - Eric Malamisura - Ryan Manwiller - Andrew McQuery - LUCAS MELIA - Greg Menounos - STEVE MENYHERT - terrie merritt - Johnson Michael - Mark Miller - James Minatel - Duane Mohney - Badari Mysore - Piyush Naik - Himanshu Nath - Tony Neely - David Negron - Brian Noyes - Albert Nyveldt - Larry O'Brien - Steve O'Brien - Peter Ordal - Devu Pandit - Mrudula Pandit - Kyle Petersen - Lawrence Pina - Martin Plante - Kathy Quick - Vineeth Raja - Tim Rayburn - George Reilly - Terrence Riley - Ryan Rinaldi - Andrew Robinson - Jesus Rodriguez - Chris Rogers - John Roth - Jens Schaller - Jason Scheuerman - Jeffrey Schilling - David Schlesinger - Ronald Scott - Paul Sheriff - Joseph Shook - Bil Simser - Eric Sink - amy smith - Cory Smith - Cameron Soper - Benjamin Stiefel - Lisa Stup - Shawn Swaner - Darren Swartzendruber - Marcus Tettmar - John Theisen - Joe Tillotson - Matthew Trentini - Shawn Van Ness - Joel Verwers - Kim Villalpando - John Walker - Cullen Waters - Philip Weber - Terry Weiss - Kyle Welsh - Steven Wilcox - Doug Willbanks - Pamela Willis - Claire Wolfson - David Yack - David Yuhas - Robert Zelt - Jonathan Zuck
Thanks again to everyone and wish us luck on the walk!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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