DotNet Boxed includes prescriptive templates for .NET Core
This is pretty cool. As you may know, when you type "dotnet new
" from the command line, or if you turn on the Visual Studio preview feature "Show all .NET Core templates in the New Project Dialog" that you see a bunch of potential starter templates. These are basic jumping off points for your next new project.

Some folks feel there should be more included "out of the box." Enter "dotnet-boxed" templates! You can install them from the command line easily like this:
dotnet new --install Boxed.Templates
You can confirm they are there by running dotnet new
at the command line. The new "boxed" templates have a different tag:
Templates Short Name Tags
ASP.NET Core API Boxed api .NET Boxed/Cloud/Service/Web
ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed graphql .NET Boxed/Cloud/Service/Web
ASP.NET Core Orleans Boxed orleans .NET Boxed/Cloud/Service/Web
NuGet Package Boxed nuget .NET Boxed/Library
Let's try them out! I can see them here in the File New Project dialog in VS2019:

There's a really nice project that sets up a NuGet package right from File New! It can even set up Test, GitHub Actions, .editorconfig, license, cake build, code of conduct, and more. All that boring boilerplate is done for you!
This is just one template example, there are also ones for WebAPIs, GraphQL projects, and Microsoft Orleans projects.
DotNet-boxed is a great community supported project! Head over to GitHub now and give them a STAR and get involved! Even better, I see some "help wanted" issues on their GitHub. I'm sure they'd appreciate your help.
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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