Face Recognition...uh, not quite
Here's a weird thing. A site called MyHeritage wants to use Face Recognition Technology to connect folks with their relatives. As a demo, if you sign up on their site you can get a Celebrity Match as well. It's a fun technology demo, but I wonder how true a representation of their technology it is. I hope this isn't what we're using to stop terrorism.
Here's some results...some more disturbing than others. I wonder how Riya's face recognition would do. Note the "confidence" levels in the pictures below. Maybe this means I'll finally meet Tim Berners-Lee.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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The best Science brief I have seen for this technology was not face recognition but object recognition instead which is much more viable and can actually be used! Its able to detect what a car is, a person, bird, etc. I can think of multiple possabilites for that technology and its already nearly perfect! But face recognition in my eyes wont be, humans even make mistakes with faces sometimes! Just seems like this technology has a long ways to go...
not exactly correct with the brandon lee crow photo!
You do have some similarities with Mr. Bush, I see. But his brain is nowhere near yours, meaning, you're much smarter!
eh eh eh eh eh...
During the entire event, everyone walks past hidden cameras and are automatically matched against a database. When you're in the database, you're not a nice person, and an alarm goes off. From that moment on, people behind monitors can watch your every move.
This has been tested at busy nights with a few people who were test objects, and it worked extremely well.
It's nice to know that they're using THAT system to make my world a safer place! :)
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Side note, I was not surprised however to have Nicholas Cage popup at 66% for me since I've had one or two people indicate there was a rough (emphasis on rough) resemblence.
Oh well, it was good for a laugh.