FavIcon.ico can be a bandwidth hog
I got an email from ORCSWEB, my most excellent hosting company (check them out) that I'd used over 230 GIGs of bandwidth for the month. Oy. First, I was happy that the site is doing well, then I was disturbed. Something MUST be wrong.
So, I asked them to hook me up with a better stats package than the default and they hooked up SmarterStats immediately. I checked it out:
Notice anything odd there? Yes, my favicon.ico used 27 GIGS of bandwidth in the month. Yikes.
Turns out my icon was 70k, as I made it a wonderful high-quality "Vista" icon in an attempt to make things pleasant and everything for folks. Of course, I didn't noticed when it was taking up over 11% of my monthly bandwidth.
Long story short, I changed my icon from a multi-resolution (6 resolutions, all 16M colors) to a simpler one using Junior Icon Editor that has 3 resolutions at 16 colors and still looks nice. The icon is now under 4k, a 95% reduction that should lower this month's bandwidth by 25 GIGS.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Can you check out the useragent and referrer on those treacherous favicon requests and figure out whether someone's got a rogue RSS reader or scraper or something that doesn't know how to properly handle favicons?
It's weird, too, that there are 4x as many requests for the favicon as for other images that are probably shown on most or all of the pages of the site.
Having the same name (favicon.ico) from wherever it is loaded, a browser would need to check size and date/time stamp to verify whether or not the item is in cache. Hmm, that's enough data to rival the size of a normal icon. What's a good browser to do? May as well just get on with it and download favicon.ico whenever it shows up.
My IE7 in Vista got confused and loaded the butterfly favicon for msn in place of another site's dog paw favicon. Now msn has a bobblehead (bubblehead?) next to a monitor screen, and the dog paw is back for the other place.
The icon would be fetched only once and stored in the cache of the browser, and hence there will be substantial bandwidth saving.
"Turns out my icon was 70k"
70 freakin k!! There is really no reason for a favicon to ever be over 3 or 4 Kb, so yeah, if you put up a few images on your site that is that huge, it slows the load time for dial-up users to a crawl and uses tons of bandwidth.
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