First Trip Away since Z and the magic of the webcam
I'm down here in Birmingham, AL, on the first business trip since Z was born. He's 12 weeks old today. Thank goodness for Video Chat and Webcams.
I picked up an Airlink101 AIC250 at Fry's for $99. They are also available around the net. I was pricing wireless video IP cameras, but they are like $300+ for one that runs their one web server. I didn't want to get a cheapo button camera because I'd have to run the video output through my computer. The idea of a camera with it's own web server is/was very attractive to me.
This camera is interesting in that it includes Java and ActiveX controls that access the video stream. However, tinkerer that I am, that's not acceptable, so I started poking around. The results will turn into a Coding4Fun article and a .NET 2.0 ClickThrice application that's a modification of some code I found and modified with permission on CodeProject. Look for that soon, I should turn it in this week.
Here's some the interesting things that I found and done, as a teaser:
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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