Mourning Monad - This whole Monad, MSH, Microsoft Command Shell, PowerShell thing is tearing me up inside
This whole name change thing is tearing me up.
Note the screenshot at the right while searching for "Powershell." Even isn't comfortable with the name change.
If you're having trouble getting the downloads as no search engine, even Google, is willing to give up the goods when searching for "PowerShell" or "John Smith" or other fantastically descriptive names, here they are:
I did set up a SlickRun shortcut to PowerShell as well as a msh.bat file in my Windows Folder so I could "moosh" my way to denial.
Here's what I'm going through as Monad becomes Powershell. Or, is it PowerShell? PowerShell! POWerSHELL!
1 - Denial - "this can't be happening to me", looking for former shortcuts or files in familiar places. Setting the table for Monad or acting as if he is still living here. Not crying. Not accepting or even acknowledging the loss.
2 - Anger - "why me?", feelings of wanting to fight back or get even with Monad, for death, anger at the deceased, blaming them for leaving.
3 - Bargaining - bargaining often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with the shell who is leaving, or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing, praying for them to come back.
4 - Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self pity, mourning loss of Monad as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control, feeling numb.
5 - Acceptance - there is a difference between resignation and acceptance. You have to accept the loss of Monad, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that it takes two to rename a command shell. Realization that Monad is gone (as in death) that it is not Monad's fault, they didn't leave you on purpose. Finding the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding comfort and healing. Our goals turn toward personal growth. Stay with fond memories of Monad.
Sigh. Come here, PowerShell, gimme an uncomfortable heterosexual hug.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Or did you?
Homer: No way! Because I'm not dying!
Dr. Hibbert: The second is anger.
Homer: Why you little!
Dr. Hibbert: After that comes fear.
Homer: What's after fear? What's after fear?!
Dr. Hibbert: Bargaining.
Homer: Doc, you gotta get me out of this! I'll make it worth your while!
Dr. Hibbert: Finally, acceptance.
Homer: Well, we all gotta go sometime.
Dr. Hibbert: Mr. Simpson, your progress astounds me.
Dave - that Simpson's bit - ROFLMBO!
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