NCoverExplorer and integrated code coverage marches on
Grant and Jamie continue to innovate the TestDriven.NET/NCoverExplorer package.
New features include color customization, coverage tolerances, removing of assemblies from the results and a revamp of the statistics page.
SharpDevelop2 (starting with revision 1057) now supports code coverage in the IDE and VSTS has nice integrated coverage (VSTS Quality Tools Blog).
I'm glad that Code Coverage may finally reach the masses. Go get/download/update/upgrade your TestDriven.NET.
UPDATE: Jamie says be sure to update your copy of NCover while you're at it. He says:
There are some very important fixes in the latest NCover v1.5.3 release.
In the previous version a spawned process would cause a hang. The common case seemed to be when an XmlSerializor object was instantiated (I think causing 'csc.exe' to spawn). Another fix was for a bug that caused yield statements to throw an InvalidProgramException. You can find the gory details here and download here.
UPDATE #2: Just so there's no confusion:
If you want to use this tool, you have two choices:
If you CANNOT install .NET 2.0 then:
Install NCover 1.3.3
Install Test Driven.NET
This will work with Visual Studio 2003
If you CAN install .NET 2.0 (even if you're not developing on it) then:
Install NCover 1.5.3+
Install Test Driven.NET
This will work with Visual Studio 2002, 2003, and 2005
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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