Quicksilver for Windows - Eh...soon...Colibri is close
I am so very much all about SlickRun, but lately I've been branching out.
I've been using the "Ctrl-Ctrl" hotkey on Google Desktop more and more. There's a configuration option in Google Desktop that lets you indicate that you're more interested in launching programs than finding stuff. This turns Google Desktop into a fantastic program launcher, particularly for those not-used-so-often-have-to-search-for-programs that one tends to ding into the Start Menu looking for. Since I've incorporated GDS into my productively cycle as an augmentation to SlickRun I've not needed the start menu.
A while back, after I got my Mac, I (mentally) declared QuickSilver to be the greatest program launcher ever. Anyone who gets QuickSilver done right on Windows, they will have a license to print money.
Colibri is a pretty decent start at a QuickSilver for Windows. Just like QuickSilver, you hit Ctrl-Space and start typing.
The documentation is weak, but if you do a little digging you'll figure out that sometimes you need to press TAB and sometimes you need to press SPACE or ENTER to get what you're looking for.
It's about 20% of the way to being QuickSilver, but it's a great start. I hope the author keeps development up and moves it forward.
Other apps to try out in the same vein are, of course, SlickRun, but also AppRocket, ActiveWords, and Launchy. I talked about these in my Hanselminutes Podcast #15 on Replacing Start|Run.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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2. i've evaluated most of these apps and decided on Launchy....it does the one thing i wanted the most(replacement for start) the best(fast/low memory/no pauses/no crashes/configurable/recent development)
3. i did NOT know about that google desktop feature...COOOL.
4. i think if slickrun and launchy got together they'd have a flat-out winner. (maybe you can get the developers together :)
You're a clever man, a developer and someone that loads of people respect when it comes to choice of software "tools".
Have you never thought about creating the QuickSilver for Windows app that you're looking for? If it turns out to be "a licence to print money" then all the better, but I'm sure you'd release it as freeware ;-)
Keep up the excellent blog posts.
Nice post.
The coolest thing about Colibri is that the daam thing is pretty intelligent @ learning - type a thing a couple of times and it literally "understands" what you mean. Slick run was cool and all... but you still had to teach it like a robot - by feeding magic words into it. Colibri just rocks! Thanks you SO MUCH for sharing this stuff!! This is the thing that's going to replace my start button - unless, of course, are thinking of writting quick silver :)
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