The Red Ring of Death makes itself known
Crap. Now what?
I wish I know exactly what causes/caused this.
Last night Mo said the Xbox locked up hard while she was listening to her Zune. She thought she broke it. Reboot and we were fine.
Later, I wasn't able to connect to the Windows Home Server to stream pictures. Reboot and the Xbox locked up while in the "splash screen" presentation.
Smells like heat. I unplugged everything and plugged it back in again and it's working fine. Haven't had a problem since.
However, this was the FIRST and only time I ever had any trouble with the thing. It's a "launch day" Xbox360 with the add-on 120gig drive. I'm wondering if I should send it in for a replacement or just get an HDMI-enabled 1080p model.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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My hunch is that the newer HDMI Xboxes probably have improved heatsinks in them, based on what they learned since launch. That might be the way to go - with 1080p to boot.
Or better yet, assuming the replacement is free, get the replacement and then sell it on EBay and use the money to offset the new HDMI XBox.
Man, I swear I could barely hear the repair call center. Sounded like I got someone who was walking into a hockey game.
more specifically
It may seem spontaneous, but the longer you have it the more likely you are to experience "spontaneous, it never had a problem before" hardware errors. It's likely heat that's doing it to you; pretty sure the fixed 360s come back with a second fan installed in them.
If you choose to get your console repaired, you will get a refurbished and "improved" console back in 3-4 weeks. Just don't expect much in terms of good customer service or information about your repair while it is in process.
- Mike
So the upside is that I didn't have to wait for a new one to get shipped...they just gave me one of the shelf...which happened to come with Forza 2, so I can't really complain.
Still though...I'm wondering if i should be looking at some of those extra cooling add-ons.
1. All original 360's have the same defect which can cause overheating and break/loosen solder points on the board.
2. Your Xbox is currently under warranty, and when you call them and say "3 red lights" they immediately start the process of sending out a box.
3. You are without an Xbox for 2 weeks, approximately.
If you want to get a new HDMI one later, then you can sell this one. Either way, you need to get it sent back and get your refurbished one with the upgraded heatsink.
I have a launch 360 that has not had any problems, but I would like a quieter DVD drive and the HDMI. I am not sure if I want to give up the nice heating feature of my current 360, which helps reduces my heating costs during the winter! ;)
My Jan 2007 built 360 is still sink-less, and I await its untimely demise... :-/
This gave me more than enough money to then go and by the Elite, nine days later on it's release day.
Can't be without while trying to "Finish the Fight"!!!
Scott, I tried calling them, but after two disconnects, and a third time where their computers were down, I gave up and figured out that you can submit a repair request online via
After filling out that form, they UPS'd me a box, and then I packed it up and sent it off. About three weeks later, I received a "replacement" XBox 360 (it's a refurb from 2 years ago) along with a card for a month of XBox Live Gold. I have read on other blogs that all replacement XBox 360's now have improvements to fix the heat problem for good. I haven't had time (or the energy) to peer into my new XBox 360 to see if the heatsinks are changed or what. I'm assuming they are.
A word of caution, their service website sucks for showing "status" of your order. If they swap out your unit (and don't repair it), suddenly your repair status will change to "no repair requested", because of the different serial number now tied to your account. It was at this status for a week and a half before I got the replacement unit. Scared me a bit.
The replacement XBox seems to run quieter than my old one, but the DVD drive is way freakin' louder. Like a jet engine when Halo 3 loads. Here's hoping this unit doesn't fail...
I am on xbox number 3 - good luck! (knock on wood)
Get the 1080p model and get it fixed - that's what I'm going to do the next time it fails.
Btw, for #1 and #2 I had the xbox in a setup similar to yours and frankly I just don't think that is enough cool air around it. For #3 I finally just gave up and got a larger (wider) TV stand and just stood the xbox up next to the TV so air around it wouldn't be a problem. It's not as ugly as I thought it would have been. Although black would blend in better - just another reason to get the 1080p.
I traded my xbox 360 premium in to Game (EB in the US) for £140 then added a few of games that I don't play anymore taking it up to £235. Then I got a XBOX 360 Elite with MOH:Airbourn and Stranglehold for £110.
Not bad!
This is mainly due to Overheating, The GPU or the Warping of the Motherboard.
I was lucky to be able to fix my own unit.
Details are provided here:
I hope this helps.
Free replacement vs. $450 for a new connection dongle shouldn't be that hard of a decision (although I can appreciate the temptation).
If you send your Xbox in to Microsoft for repair they will attempt to transfer all your licenses over to the new one they send you. This seems to fail a lot and it takes a few hours on the phone and then a 30 day wait to get it resolved. If you purchase a new console they will not transfer any licenses and you will have to re-purchase everything if another account wants to play or you want to play without being online or when Live is down.
If you want to learn more about the problem there are 94 pages of discussion over in the Xbox forums.
I've got my XBox completely separated now from all other components in the area and this is really getting frustrating. Luckily, I landed a Wii and that is filling the time nicely.
Ironically, the last feature I implemented before leaving Microsoft was live reporting of console hardware failures in the field (a feature that almost certainly led to the $1B charge Microsoft took a few months later, once they gathered some real-world data).
Go join the Microsoft-internal Xbox Discussions list. You'll find plenty of help there, but I expect it will come down to returning your console through Xbox Support. Fortunately, Microsoft extended the warranty to cover these failures, so you shouldn't have to pay anything. Unfortunately, Xbox Support is terrible.
The towel thing is stupid. There are actually hundreds of reasons consoles fail. Power on the console, and after it generates the three red lights of death, hold down the binding button while you press the eject button four times. You can read out an LED pattern, like 4-4-2-4. This is a more specific error code that employees in the know (which includes the Xbox repair facility but not Xbox Support) can use to narrow down the root cause of the failure. IIRC, 4^4 = 256 error codes.
One common problem in these early units is caused by the heatsink foil breaking down and making physical contact with the GPU, shorting it out. Not exactly the sort of thing a towel can fix, unless moving the console around happens to temporarily interrupt the electrical contact.
The console I got as a ship gift failed, and I know at least ten other current and former Xbox employees whose launch gift consoles also failed. Yet another "made in China" success story. At least Microsoft's paying for the mistake, and the return process (for me at least) was painless. (Except for re-downloading content, which as Dustin points out is a serious PITA.)
Microsoft Adds Free Games To Xbox 360 Consoles
Is there any reason to prefer the Elite over the standard option? Can you replace the 20 gb hard drive with a 2.5" SATA or IDE (which one?) drive that you have lying around?
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