The Syllabus for CST407 - Learning C# with .NET
Software Engineering Technology
CST 407 Seminar - C# and the .NET Framework
Course Syllabus - Fall 2003
Instructor Information:
Name: Scott Hanselman Email: scott -a-t-
Phone: 880-2486 Office Location: The Ether
Class Schedule:
Lecture/Lab: 14053 Friday 6:00p-8:50p Portland - CC1045
Class Web Site:
Required Text: C# Primer, Stanley Lippman
Optional References: Essential .NET, Don Box and Chris Sells
Programming Pearls, Second Edition, Jon Bentley
The Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
Software Tools:
Minimal development:
· The Windows .NET Framework SDK - Most work will happen at the command-line
· SharpDevelop - Open Source IDE written in C# w/source
Minimal web development (there may be small web projects, nothing major)
· Cassini - Simple ASP.NET Web Server (IIS not needed) w/source
Preferred development
· Visual Studio.NET Academic Edition – Great to have, but we won’t lean on it
For homework
· Lutz Roeder's Reflector - Decompiler
· NUnit - Testing framework
Philosophy and Prerequisites
This class is a 400 level class and while it may look easy (most syllabi do) I will have high expectations. C# is a 3rd generation 'C' family language. This class assumes you've programmed in some language that includes a if-then construct of some kind. An understanding of Object Oriented design will be important.
For those of you who feel advanced now and think this class may be too easy, I will ratchet up the difficulty after class as far as you'd like. I will stay as long after class talking tech as you like.
Coding is an art and all art has its associated literature. I expect you to read as much code as you write. Every week, bring in a snippet (10-20 lines) of someone else's code that you've found on the web. Two places to start are and Email the cool snippets to me and we'll discuss some of them in the last 30-45 minutes of class.
.NET is very powerful, but it can turn bad programmers into very bad programmers very quickly.
OIT Library: OIT library web site
Homework should be zipped (just code, no bin or obj folders) and sent to my email address before 9AM each Friday. The subject must contain [CST407] including the brackets. I'm not kidding here, and this is not a suggestion. Include '[CST407]' in the subject or the homework goes in the bit bucket and you get a zero grade for that assignment. Learn to love netiquette. J
We'll be writing Unit Tests for all our homework programs using NUnit 2.x. Include them with your homework.
Tentative Outline:
Week |
Date |
Topic(s) |
Text |
HW/Lab Assignment |
DUE Date |
4 |
Next Fri 9:00am |
6 |
11/7 |
All XML all the Time System.Xml
Everything you need to know about Xml in 3 hours. J |
Take Midterm (90 minutes) 1. Multiple Choice and Short Answers (20 points)
Homework: 1. Take a Books Xml file I'll give you and read it into memory 2. Setup arbitrary searching like findbooks.exe 'author = 's*'' 3. Do it with XmlTextReader 4. Do it with XmlDocument 5. Do it with XPathNavigator (4 points) Write up ~500 words on what the ramifications of moving the software industry to a “Managed“ environment over previous kinds of Software Development. (4 points) |
Next Fri 9:00am |
7 |
11/14 |
C# applied to WinForms
Homework: TBD (4 points) |
Next Fri 9:00am |
8 |
11/21 |
C# applied to WebForms |
Homework: TBD (4 points) NEXT WEEK: THANKSGIVING |
Next Fri 9:00am |
9 |
12/5 |
The CLR Attributes Reflection Inside Serialization Interop/PInvoke |
Homework: Show me the status of your Final! Something better be working by now. ;) (4 points)
Next Fri 9:00am |
10 |
12/12 |
9AM: TURN IN FINAL. We'll have a formal 'egoless' code review and I'll grade them (anonymously) on the projector and we'll discuss them. |
Class Scoring:
First, the obvious. 100 Points possible.
A >=90
B >=80
C >=70
D >=60
F < 60
Midterm - 20 points - on 11/7 (in class)
Final - 40 points - on 12/12 (take home, given 12/5)
Homework - 10 programs @ 4 points each, gives 40 points, one or more a week for ten weeks.
Homework programs will be graded on:
1. Correct use of Basics (foreach, classes, namespaces, BCL libraries)
2. Appropriate Use of OOP (no gratuitous object hierarchies, please)
3. Robustness (did you test it?)
4. Attention to Detail (did you think?)
Extra Credit: Elegance/Flair (my discretion)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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