Announcing .NET 2015 - .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community
It's happening. It's the reason that a lot of us came to work for Microsoft, and I think it's both the end of an era but also the beginning of amazing things to come.
The .NET 2015 wave of releases is upon us. Here's what's happening and we announced it today in New York. There's a lot here, so drink it all in slowly.
Be sure to check out all the blog posts I'm linking to at the end, but here's my personal rollup and take on the situation.
- We are serious about open source and cross platform.
- .NET Core 5 is the modern, componentized framework that ships via NuGet. That means you can ship a private version of the .NET Core Framework with your app. Other apps' versions can't change your app's behavior.
- We are building a .NET Core CLR for Windows, Mac and Linux and it will be both open source and it will be supported by Microsoft. It'll all happen at
- We are open sourcing the RyuJit and the .NET GC and making them both cross-platform.
- ASP.NET 5 will work everywhere.
- ASP.NET 5 will be available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Mac and Linux support will come soon and it's all going to happen in the open on GitHub at
- ASP.NET 5 will include a web server for Mac and Linux called kestrel built on libuv. It's similar to the one that comes with node, and you could front it with Nginx for production, for example.
- Developers should have a great experience.
- There is a new FREE SKU for Visual Studio for open source developers and students called Visual Studio Community. It supports extensions and lots more all in one download. This is not Express. This is basically Pro.
- Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 will support gulp, grunt, bower and npm for front end developers.
- A community team (including myself and Sayed from the ASP.NET and web tools team) have created the OmniSharp organization along with the Kulture build system as a way to bring real Intellisense to Sublime, Atom, Brackets, Vim, and Emacs on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Check out as well as blog posts by team members Jonathan Channon
- Even more open source.
- Much of the .NET Core Framework 4.6 and its Reference Source source is going on GitHub. It's being relicensed under the MIT license, so Mono (and you!) can use that source code in their .NET implementations.
- There's a new hub for Microsoft open source that is hosted GitHub at
Open sourcing .NET makes good sense. It makes good business sense, good community sense, and today everyone at Microsoft see this like we do.

Related Links
- Download Visual Studio 2013 Update 4
- Download Visual Studio 2015 Preview
- Soma’s blog post
- Brian Harry blog post
- Visual Studio roll-up blog
- On-demand videos
- Visual Studio Community
- Download Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 Preview
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About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I've never been so excited to work in this field. :)
Does this mean that ASP.NET will run under Apache? I'm so accustomed to thinking of ASP.NET and IIS to being tightly coupled.
I'm loving the direction that .NET is going and with that we may one day even be more of a first class citizen in the Linux landscape. (Not that mono is bad as is, its just not been given as much love in the past as I would have liked)
[Community] is basically Pro
Can you elaborate? Are there any differences between Community and Pro other than the usage restrictions?
Is there a way to download Community as an ISO or other full installer?
Thank you Scott and thank you Microsoft for believing in open source!
The unification of mvc and web api is beautiful, and the ability to bin deploy the core framework means no more worry about what version is installed at the web hosting environment. That alone is huge.
Keep up the great work, this is going to be the most exciting release in the history of when the final bits ship next year!
Thanks to you and all the teams doing this great work!
Ugh brain cannot parse - missing a closing bracket:
A community team (including myself and Sayed ...
The info about Emacs is great!
Now, if I could only manage Windows through SSH, scripts and Puppet/Chef as I can easily on Mac and Linux.
Is VS still a dependency for building ASP.NET projects? In .NET 2015, can I now finally create a functional build machine without installing VS shell?
I dont have the link, but read somewhere.
- Any company with > 250 employees is considered enterprise.
- any company with <= 5 developers can use it even for commercial purpose.
I'm wondering why Xamarin doesn't offer it for free at least for individual developers ( Xamarin is just focusing on earning money form individual developers. They don't see the community or ecosystem around it.
Are ASP.NET 4 projects upgradeable to ASP.NET 5?
It should be
Is Microsoft's strategy to lose massive amounts of windows server and sql server revenue and base their revenue on a more sustainable approach such as selling visual studio and other developer tools? Why would anyone chose windows server?
Will entity framework and mysql work on linux and perform as well as java / hibernate / mysql?
I am a little skeptical at this stage.
VS is the universe's first development tool, .NET is the best platform universe.
Proud to be .net developer. Now on the hardware of my MacBook Pro again.
I have one question. Eclipse is one of most popular editors so does Omnisharp foundation have plan to create a plugin for .NET development there?
It's a lot to take in.
Thanks 😊
Do you know if Xamarin Forms XAML intellisense will work in one of the new VS versions? The Xamarin guys always make excuses that Microsoft has to implement something for it to work.
There was no new info in the last 5 months.
more info on the community edition can be found at
Q: How does Visual Studio Community 2013 compare to other Visual Studio editions?
A: Visual Studio Community 2013 includes all the great functionality of Visual Studio Professional 2013, designed and optimized for individual developers, students, open source contributors, and small teams.
Thanks Microsoft for demolishing the barriers.
It will be fun. I have started visualizing my ASP.NET blog running on Linux server. Did I hear it correctly?
Will we be hearing any more about M# soon? ;-)
Keep it up!
Great keep it on...
Thank you Guys
Of course, you guys are so not helping me decide what to do for my next development hardware. But I love this move. This is how you win in the developer community.
I'm also glad you let Sayed outside once in a while. We were getting worried about him.
I see VS 2013 Pro is still for sale in the Microsoft store. Is there any reason for someone to ever buy the pro edition again?
Yes, Enterprise users. >5 Developers, >1$MM/a or >250 employees are not allowed to use the Community Edition (except e.g. academic use)...
@JP: I was searching for an answer for this question too and as far as I found out it will not run side-by-side...
I wonder what the impact on the programming world would be if they open sourced VB6 also. LOL!
For me personally as a solo business of one developer it is all good. But I do believe there is a downside for some people here.
But good news since I have an old project on .net which I have to maintain.
Good job.
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Visual Studio homepage
you scroll to Community 2013 with Update 4 and you download :)
This is going to boost many programmers like me and I believe .NET is going to sweep anything and everything on it way, with the power of C (yeah, I meant C as that is the mother of ALL languages and software tools in the world. :))
In my country (the Netherlands) it's pretty much .NET or Java if you want a decent paying developer job.
Anyways.. this really changes things for me. .NET going open source and Visual Studio Community Edition is exactly what I need. It will drive .NET forward and hopefully create the same great open source ecosystem Java has.
Visual Studio Community Edition for the Mac would completely seal the deal for me and make me forget about Java :P Sublime is nice (played around with it for Scala), but it can't compete with a full blown IDE.
ASP.Net 5 here I come :-)
remember kids, do your homework!
Q: Who can use Visual Studio Community?
A: Here’s how individual developers can use Visual Studio Community:
Any individual developer can use Visual Studio Community to create their own free or paid apps.
Can anyone please explain the meaning of 'their own apps' mentioned in the answer
When will we see Visual Studio on OSX? Was VS ever rewritten on top of the .NET CLR? If so, the port of VS to OSX should be easy right?
A move like that shouldn't hurt the bottom line, just opens up a sales channel to mac centric shops (like majority of developers today)...The folks who buy corporate VS licenses will and those who wouldn't will continue not to. All I see is win for Microsoft if they release VS for the OSX platform.
I get why Winforms isn't going cross platform with all the PInvokes etc. But I really hope there is some consideration to making XAML cross platform. If we get this it could be a huge boost to modern app development. I would certainly be developing in a Windows first way.
It's right direction, sure. Once again I would love to appreciate this step.
Apparently Microsoft is heading towards right direction with Satya's leadership.
When it comes to development that has been always pain for us to convince technology directors to use Microsoft technologies especially in some organizations and where I work, managers are religiously against Microsoft without considering requirements, performance and reliability. Their biggest argument was of denying use of .net was because it is not cross platform (of course there was mono but who really uses it ?).
Finally, everyday day more Java based open source libraries are ported to C# and remember biggest strength of Java is having loads of open source libraries and being a cross platform, considering the fact C# is more advance and developer friendly than java. Being cross platform will step down Java from popularity amongst open source folks.
What can I do to solve this?
Please say yes... :)
what kind of web server will support apache?nginx?lighthttpd?
but if thats gonna happen java will lose the ground tremendously.
Can somebody just confirm me that I understand all well:
We can use VS in our company without any charge right?
There are not many efforts outside microsoft, which is that big. If it was, nothing was stopping mono project becoming big.
Microsoft is THE cenral body which decides what goes on here.
MyShuttle source code is over at MSDN Samples (
Are there any login problems with the Community Edition of VS?
No matter how hard I try I cannot login using my MS account:
I used to use Visual Studio Ultimate + MSDN, and might have used Visual Studio Professional Trial (I don't remember exactly). Today, I have installed Visual Studio Community 2013 on a fresh PC and it stuck with "The license is expired" window.
What's wrong with that?
The mono team has done a great job, but their VM is lacking in terms of GC performance on large-memory footprints and various subtle threading issues (thread starvation, etc). I would hope that Microsoft's generational GC would be included in a merge of the Mono and Microsoft implementation.
Now coding will be much interesting..............
Are you thinking about making a real world application using vs2015 and xamarin that works on ios, android, windows?
thanks microsoft company
It would also be really nice if there was a new web site dedicated to getting up and running with the new technology once it's ready. Full documentation, simple tutorials and getting started pages. Take the Symfony, Node, Laravel, and other FOSS project home pages as inspiration. Get some nice layout done by your in-house MS designers.
Right now the current ASP.NET and any related .NET web sites aren't the greatest to navigate because they're more blog-style than authorotative docs (ideally under source control).
This is really great news, and I can appreciate that this is a slow ship to turn. Hopefully 2015 will see more people using the CLR and writing in .NET languages. But I think the key once you've done the technical work is to do the community and documentation work.
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