Opportunity: Windows is completely missing the TextMode boat...
With all this talk of shiny Avalon, I'm surprised that more people aren't mentioning "text-mode" applications. I assume we all realize that there are literally millions of Windows machines from 95 to XP that exist only to allow more than one Telnet/ProcommPlus/Terminal window at a time, so end-users can interact with remote systems.
Point of Sale is a huge example:
- Blockbuster Video – I'd hate to have the video store guy have to reach for a mouse and click on a Gray Screen button OR a shiny Avalon Form.
- Toyota Service – Searching for Parts, making service appoinments, it's considerably faster in text mode than any *.*Forms technology, and I've seen them open as many as 8 windows at a time.
- Teller Banking Systems – Many banks are changing their TextMode systems over to intranets, and I personally waited 90 mins at a large bank last week to open a checking account, while I watch the teller move between three intranet ASP applications and two Word Macros, then attaching the Word files to an Outlook Email. This same process, in text mode, at First Technology Credit Union took 10 mins.
I'd like to see how far someone could take the new Colored Console support in Whidbey and make me a forms renderer.
I’m just saying that my Tab,Tab,Tab,Enter will beat your Click,Tab,Alt-F,O,Click,Double-Click, more often than not and I will take the Pepsi Challenge otherwise. :)
Am I nuts to think that Windows is missing the text-mode boat?
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I'd happy to see .NET based command line app. What kind of do you envision?
I'm currently looking at migration a VB banking app to WinForms and part of my criteria for the team (note not the user criteria, they are so used to the VB app and having to use a mouse) is that its easily used with a keyboard. It's not just for power users either, there's accessibility to take into account.
if you can build a textmode application that works well, you can allways build a gui application that works just as well. just because a lot of developers forget to put in some sort of keyboard support doesn't mean you cannot do it.
this is only true for application someone needs to interact with of course - not commandline only stuff (like wget or suchlike).
thomas woelfer
Just because you're using a GUI doesn't mean you have to be using buttons or a mouse, BTW. These PoS systems still have the traditional input device - a specialized keyboard. So they're character *input* devices. That doesn't mean you have to be a character output device too.
I think PoS systems with pure text output look pretty clunky now.
Don't confuse input requirements with output requirements.
What I'm talking about is PURE SPEED. I've just not seen a WinForms App that is TAB, TAB, TAB, ENTER, BAM! fast.
absolutely no need to wait for Whidbey ColorConsole. it took me like one day in 2002 to write color console on original 1.0... More interesting reflection: with all forms data completely transparent (unlike MFC .RC nightmare) creating TVision-like text renderer should be easy - yet no one had done it so far. may be demand is really not that high? FAR is amazing, but is there really any other text based killer apps?
I love me some TurboVision.
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