I'm feeling very international this Monday, so here' s a collection of things for you to read. It's a reminder <gasp> that there are a lot of people out there who don't speak English every day (or ever) and it's responsbility of the English-dominated Web to respect that. Even if you don't even write code to be internationalized, you have a karmic obligation to be aware of these things.
- Be aware of the differences between the ISO-8859-1 and windows-1252 character sets. [Sam Ruby]
- The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
- Read Tim's excellent article On the Goodness of Unicode - (I stole this glyph from Tim's site)
- Know what is allowed in an XML document as a character, versus what's appropriate as an entity.
And for folks in my world:
- Overview/Quickstart of Internationalizing ASP.NET
- Globalization & Localization Best Practices for Windows 2000 Compliant Software
- The Best Localization Directory - Dozens of great links and software
- Microsoft Global Development Portal
- Authoring HTML for Middle-Eastern Content
- Bidirectional Layout in the HTML 4.0 Spec
- Microsoft Localization (Globalization) Toolkit - For Developing Localized ASP.NET Applications (Database Driven)
And in the vein of 'Whaaaaaa?' check out:
- The Microsoft Application Translator: "This new solution, called Microsoft Application Translator (MAT) enables applications to offer on-the-fly localization with no code change and limited investment in localization." Here's their FAQ.
Update: Here's a crucial update. ;) Don't forget that Japanese Emoticons are different than English ones!
Japanese Smileys | American Smileys |
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Additionally, I noticed you said "teach them how to edit xml"...let me give you a tip!
If you use "resgen myfile.resx myfile.txt" it will make a TXT file with a NAME=VALUE format. Then just "resgen myfile.txt myfile.resx" and you'll never have to worry about your translators knowing XML.
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