LifeHack: Carry Fewer Club Cards with BarCodes and lose the Costanza Wallet
I've been meaning to scan the six stupid "club cards" that The Man uses to track me as I do my shopping around town into one single card like this guy.
This has been more on my mind since I started using the Umbra Bungee Wallet exclusively. I freaking love this wallet. No more Costanza Wallet for me.
Now I've created a custom single uber-club-card (Yes, I know they are tracking me, and No, these aren't my real numbers) using JustOneClubCard.
It's just a little web app with a list of stores (mapped in the background to that stores barcode-style) that generates little double-sided cards for your wallet.
Elegant, clean, simple, very Web 1.5. Now I have six fewer key-chain dealies to carry around.
Thanks to JustOneClubCard, the Mark of the Beast is now that much more convenient to carry.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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As for the second, yes there's a timing problem, I think it's TimeZone related, but I haven't gotten to it yet.
I would fold the paper at each code section and show the proper section to the cashier. If I am a cashier and this card practice gets common, I would get annoyed spending time glancing down the bar code list trying to find my store's bar code. A little courtesy goes a long way.
That Umbra is effing huge! 0.75" depth?
Regarding the comment about store scanners getting confused, you could try grasping with your fingers to expose only the intended code.
I had been trying to figure out how to do exactly what this site does, but my idea involved scanning and formatting the upc symbols. This is much simpler - just enter the numerals (duh). Goes to show what a little domain knowledge can do for simplifying design. Thanks, Scott!
Are you using the Umbra Wallet or Umbra Card Wallet? This post you link to the larger wallet, and in an earlier post (where you talk about portable apps) you link to the card wallet.
(which color did you go with?)
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