The Weekly Source Code 48 - DynamicQueryable makes custom LINQ expressions easier
NOTE: An alternative title to this post might be: "The Weekly Source Code 48: Making The Weekly Source Code 47 Suck Incrementally Less."
NOTE: This isn't a language feature! This works on both C# and VB!
Last week I wrote a post about Dynamic Linq Query Generation in order to solve a kind of meta-programming problem. I had a site that used ASP.NET Dynamic Data and I wanted to do a LINQ query against some data. However, because I was creating a template that didn't know enough at compile time to write a proper LINQ query that could, well, compile, I needed to creating my LINQ dynamically.
Be sure to hang in here with me, the awesome happens at the end.
I was trying to generate effectively this, at runtime
Items.Select(row => row.Property).Distinct.OrderBy(colvalue => colvalue)
And I succeeded with Tatham Oddie's help in doing it this sub-optimal way:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var items = Column.Table.GetQuery();
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(Column.Table.EntityType, "row");
// row => row.Property
var columnLambda = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Property(entityParam, Column.EntityTypeProperty), entityParam);
// Items.Select(row => row.Property)
var selectCall = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { items.ElementType, columnLambda.Body.Type }, items.Expression, columnLambda);
// Items.Select(row => row.Property).Distinct
var distinctCall = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Distinct", new Type[] { Column.EntityTypeProperty.PropertyType }, selectCall);
// colvalue => colvalue
var sortParam = Expression.Parameter(Column.EntityTypeProperty.PropertyType, "sortValue");
var columnResultLambda = Expression.Lambda(sortParam, sortParam);
// Items.Select(row => row.Property).Distinct.OrderBy(colvalue => colvalue)
var ordercall = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "OrderBy",
new Type[] { Column.EntityTypeProperty.PropertyType, columnResultLambda.Body.Type },
distinctCall, columnResultLambda);
var result = items.Provider.CreateQuery(ordercall);
foreach (var item in result) {
if (item != null) DropDownList1.Items.Add(item.ToString());
"Sub-optimal" is a programmer euphemism for crappy, hard to read, code that works. But what price my immortal soul?
Fortunately, Marcin from the ASP.NET team decided to come out of his apparent blogging vow of silence (lasting 18 months, no less) to save me.
Marcin points out that there's a sample from 2006 released under the Ms-PL (how is anyone supposed to know this?) called DynamicQueryable. You actually have this on your hard drive NOW. It's under Samples\1033\\LinqSamples\DynamicQuery\DynamicQuery in your VS install directory.
In fact, His Gu-ness blogged about this in January of 2008 giving this VB example:
Dim Northwind As new NorthwindDataContext
Dim query = From p In Northwind.Products
Where p.CategoryID = 2 And UnitPrice > 3
Order By p.SupplierID
Select p
GridView1.DataSource = query
But using the DynamicQuery library you can express the same thing like this, allowing for more dynamism. (Is that a word?)
Dim Northwind As new NorthwindDataContext
Dim query = Northwind.Products
.Where("CategoryID=2 And p.UnitPrice>3")
GridView1.DataSource = query
Again, this works great when you don't know every input ahead of time. Marcin says:
DynamicQueryable is quite powerful and includes the following
- Dynamic string-based querying of any LINQ provider (late-bound versions of Where, Select, OrderBy, Take, Skip, GroupBy, Any, and Count extension methods)
- String-based mini expression language (like the “it” identifier in the sample below), including complex conditional statements and all operators
- Dynamic creation of classes for projections
Now Marcin was able to rewrite my pile of Expression crap above into this luscious four line snippet. The DynamicQueryable magic is the "var result =" line.
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var items = Column.Table.GetQuery();
var result = items.Select(Column.EntityTypeProperty.Name).Distinct().OrderBy("it");
foreach (var item in result) {
if (item != null) DropDownList1.Items.Add(item.ToString());
ScottGu also points to Joseph and Ben Albahari, authors of the C# 3.0 In a Nutshell book and their incredibly deep post on building type-safe predicate methods. Their PredicateBuilder is free in the LINQKit extension library and can really help out when you get even deeper into this topic.
Oh, and seriously, stop what you're doing now and go download LINQPad, the Albahari's most wonderful gift to us all. Then, thank them, and tell them how awesome they are.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Where it reads : .Where("CategoryID=2 And p.UnitPrice>3")
Shouldnt it be: .Where("CategoryID=2 And UnitPrice>3") ?
And thanks for the great tip! :)
query.Where("FieldValue == @1 And OtherFieldValue.Contains(@2)",value1,value2)
If you're building the where clause on the fly, then a simple reflection check using typeof(T).GetProperty() against each of the field names in the queried object T gives that extra layer of security.
var result = items
.Select(new { Value = "" }, "new "("+Column.EntityTypeProperty.Name+" as Value"))
.Distinct().OrderBy(); // Back to normal LINQ
foreach (var item in result) {
if (item != null) DropDownList1.Items.Add(item.Value);
Or, as an exercise for the reader, you could support Select<string>(Column.EntityTypeProperty.Name) instead.
Cheers ~
My post on optimising data access queries gives an example of how this can be done.
I also found the C# 3.0 in a nutshell site was an invaluable resource. Its good to know that the same Linq knowledge will be useful across applicable across multiple ORM technologies.
Question. Is this dynamic query makes sense when you are using a CompiledQuery ?
everything can be done at runtime, even defining your model types (ie they don't need to exist at compile time)
very cool
string sql = "select * from products where CategoryID={0} And UnitPrice>{1} order by SupplierID";
IEnumerable<Product> = DataContext.ExecuteQuery<Product>(sql , new object[]{2,3});
For me:
1 - It looks far simpler and almost sure that runs faster because we don't need to precompile the dynamic text.
2 - The amount of code to type is the same:
select * from products where CategoryID={0} And UnitPrice>{1} order by SupplierID
Northwind.Products.Where("CategoryID=2 And p.UnitPrice>3").OrderBy("SupplierID")
3 - And the most important part, you know what is the sql that is being executed (this is the part the the data guys like)
But of course using the latest bits is always cooler.
foreach (var item in result) {
if (item != null)
it screams to me to be re-written as
foreach (var item in result.Where(i => i != null)) {
Of course, you could write an IEnumerable<T> extensions method to make this read even better still
That's something I've asked myself too.
The MSDN 2008 EULA says it's OK to modify, copy and distribute, but explicitly forbids usage in any copyleft licensed code (including weak copyleft licenses like the LGPL or the Ms-RL)
\Program Files (x86)\MSDN\MSDN9.0\1033\eula.txt, 2.a.iii
Is that supposed to be a trap? That should be referenced from every single sample!
Also, it forbids usage in code for non-Windows plattforms. Wow. MSDN-Sample code in Silverlight apps would be a license violation then? They do run on MacOS. (I once hinted at the same problem with the use of the Windows-only Ms-LPL for the Silverlight control library, they eventually changed the license to the Ms-PL.)
Last time I checked, there was no licensing info on
User-contributed content is always Ms-PL. That's better, it only prevents usage in GPL code. But still, bummer.
What's all that supposed to be good for? Those are samples, they should be released under the most liberal licenses.
@Mutts nuts guy: That's awesome. The LINQ thing, that is. I had no idea you could do that with the .Where() clause. I wonder if the Dynamic LINQ stuff is going to make it into .NET 4. Maybe it's too scary and dangerous to be anything other than a "contribution". ;-) I would like to know that someone has tried to really test it to find security holes -- James and Will do bring up good points.
Thanks for posting this.
This could make code by Matt Warren (btw wonderful series of posts: here) a little bit more readable for standard human beings like me...
PS: @Michael Herndon, dynamisme (with a trailing e) exists in French and has nothing to do with metaphysics. It is simply used in describing a system that is dynamic... This may be the first time a French guy understands English better than native English speakers... :-)
but without the e, in English, it has to do with metaphysics or at least so wikipedia says. Thus I'm trying to understand how your understanding is better when both are just fun but moot points.
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