WatirMaker Version 0.01 Source
Well, a few kind people offered to help test, but no one stepped up to help me fully develop WatirMaker. I'm a little surprised and slightly bummed, actually, as I thought this was an ideavirus that would generate enough enthusiasm that I could put together a team (maybe a half-dozen) and start up a SourceForce project. I'd be happy to do that, but with work for the first 12 hours of the day and life for the other 12 hours with DasBlog for the final 12 hours of the day, I can't do it by myself. :)
But, alas, nope, so here's the source to my sad little 0.01 version. It sucks and was powered by Diet Rite. Remember it's a prototype if anything. However, do please let me know if you do turn it into anything.
In the meantime, Michael Kelly and I are looking at rewriting WatirMaker entirely in Ruby, thinking that the Ruby/Watir community might dig that idea more.
File Attachment: WatirMaker.zip (62 KB)
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I don't think I know enough about the object model to navigate it successfully and assign the events. Which is a shame because this would be very handy for us even at this level if only it could recognise frames. If anyone has any ideas that would point me in the right direction or manages to do this I would be interested in contibuting to the less demanding programing tasks
The audience is a lot smaller but I was waiting for something similiar for the web. I even started thinking on something for selenium but I don't have a lot of time.
I believe developers should only use the aplications they create in 3 modes: record mode, playback mode and demo mode.
Good luck and congratulations for WatirMaker. I will probably use it and If I have any contributions I'll let you know.
Maybe an IE.contains_text() when you right click a word would be usefull.
I know that you are expecting more help that feature requests :) but I had to mention this.
In fact, if you download Ruby, it comes with Pragmatic Programming in Ruby book. (www.rubycentral.com/book/)
There was 'Getting started with Ruby' article on www.linuxjournal.com that got me up and running on it in an hour. It has good overview of basic stuff in it. Can't seem to access it anymore though..try www.linuxjournal.com/article/8397 but it doesn't seem to be up...
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