Why You Deeply Want an iPhone - NOW

Possibly because Steve Jobs said they are cool, but ultimately because we are all pretty much bored with computers. The whole keyboard and mouse thing is just about over. Maybe another 5 years, then it'll be keyboard and Multi-Touch. There will be some mice and some tablets/styli, but the majority of us will be lovingly caressing the non-scratch screens of our computers with our greasy hands.
Speaking of greasy hands, I stopped by the local AT&T store to check out an iPhone. To be clear, I didn't camp out or hire a college kid to stand in line. I mean, seriously, who does that? (Apparently all my friends.)
No, I just swung by at 10am yesterday. It went like this.
Me: "Hey, how's it going"
AT&T Dude: "How can I help you."
Me: "You're probably all out of iPhones, right? I wanted to touch one."
AT&T Dude: "Sure, we've got 8gig and 4gigs."
Me: "Waaa? You're not sold out? Didn't you have campers here?"
AT&T Dude: "Yes, but they got their iPhones, and we have hundreds left."
Me: "What's this? Hundreds you say? Why'd they camp out."
AT&T Dude: "I dunno, I mean, it's cool, but you're here on the next day"
Me: "But there's no one here at AT&T. Weird. Anyway, my wife won't let me have one."
AT&T Dude: "I hear that a lot. Well, feel free to use it as long as you like."
And I did. I spent quite a bit of time with it. It's gorgeous and I must have one. Why? Whether it's Microsoft Surface or the iPhone, Multi-Touch is brilliant. I know this because I've seen touched the promised land. And because I'm bored.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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I agree that multitouch is the future, but iPhone != multitouch, iPhone is just one example of it and I think it could be done better (on a more open platform with more choices, 3rd party software, better PC integration etc.)
I neogotiated a swing set for the kids ( Tina's want ) with a drift boat for me... You'll be that good in a few more years Scott. By the time you have been married for 20 years you'll both just get whatever you want. Jack
Oh for you tech folks a drift boat is a device that carries you down river under the power of self, hopefully catching many Steelhead, Salmon and Trout. You also get sunshine on your face and fresh air blowing through what little hair you might have left.
Scott I'll take you and your Dad out this summer.
The iPhone is cool, but isn't it just a phone? I mean, it has the word right in its name! ;-) The "cool factor" is the way you interact with the device so it seems more natural and less phone-like (kinda like the wheel in the iPod). The more natural interaction you have with the device, the more you feel in "control of it."
If you're bored, start putting that computer together and tell us all about it. :)
If you think that touch screens will replace mice, I'm guessing you've not tried using a touch-screen all day. Or you have massive upper body strength.
The interface is really slick with nice transition effects and very clear resolution. The zooming worked great on everything; pictures, maps, and web pages. It was really easy to flick through web pages and song library as well as the photo album which I thought was really cool. Way easier than moving through the photos on my RAZR. Unfortunately it doesn't support MMS, so forget about texting your pics to your friends and family. Supposedly you can attach them to emails you send, but I have yet to try that out and it doesn't really help me much because nobody that I would send pics to uses email on their phone.
I found typing on the touchscreen keyboard to be harder than I thought it would be without any tactile sensation. I really think we need to come up with a better way to input text, than a qwerty keyboard at this point.
I also like the fact that it has an external speaker so you can play your tunes/videos without headphones.
I did manage to freeze the phone up by hitting this[1] page in Safari and I had to reboot the phone. It works fine in Safari for Windows, so it's a little puzzling. I'm currently working on a web app targeting the iphone (not the one below), so I'm interested to see what kind of things I run into.
1. http://splashproject.com/secure/prepare.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fDefault.aspx
Ian - I do, in fact, have massive upper body strength. Thanks for noticing!
Jamin - Good info!
Eric - Bored with my mouse and keyboard...I'm all about the alternative interfaces.
What's even more of a shame is the poor folks who buy the iPhone thinking what a great Internet experience they'll have (these are NORMAL people, people shouldn't have to know or care about the differences in mobile data networks) only to find out their browser sessions run at speeds similar to fast dial-up.
The mouse and keyboard will be with us for many years. Think of the alternative. Your arm is going to get tired after 5 minutes from extending it to use the screen. Also how are you going to do pixel positioning with your 'fat' fingers?
I am glad the iPhone is out now. I am sick of the all the iPhone hype I have been getting for the past 6 months. It's just a phone.. not some truly new device.
i don't think they keyboard will be replaced for a long time though - the tactile feedback of a mechanical typing surface is just too important IMHO.
Another reason why the mouse will still be here for quite a time: gaming. Honestly, the keyboard/mouse combo is heavily used for modern FPS and MMORPG games, and I can't really imagine another kind of interaction coming out any time soon.
1) Better GPRS or EDGE communications - WiFi is too patchy.
2) GPS, I have a HTC phone with GPS built-in and use TomTom for my naviagtion. It's so useful having the mapping/positioning information right in a device you carry around everyday - no getting lost trying to find pubs in back-streets of London!
Hopefully v2 will include some of these functions!
What I would like to see added to the device or as add-ons: GPS, voice commands(not just voice dial), a digital tv tuner, a killer rss app, custom video ring tones, the ability to easily import your Google widgets and this would be killer: a remote desktop app.
Now that that's out of the way, I bought one, and so far I'm in love. Are there issues/limitations/challenges? Sure. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages IMHO.
I think this is the first smartphone I've used so far - and I have used many of many of them - that actually has delivered on the hype. The marketing material for once didn't stretch the story - it does what it's been purported to do!
We all know that these things are going to be more addictive than crack. And pretty soon everyone on the street will be walking around with one of these things. As if people are not already addicted enough to cell phones and iPods. Great product, but I really just cannot get one yet. Too dangerous.
we just do'nt need that stuff whatever way.
by the way you have been on Israel.
the promised land made your feelings about iPhone. ;)
All of our power products work,but none of the docks/FM transmitters work becausestarting with the iPhone and continuing with every new iPod from 6G on you have to include an authentication chip for the iPhone/Pods to recognize the accessories.
Correction: Products without the auth chip will work with the iPhone, but you have to OK it by going through a nag screen and you can guess that YMMV. Apparently our direct attach iTrip and several other products work after going through this nag screen. A downside is that if you get a call while using the transmitter/dock you will get a bunch of audio noise, which can really suck if you have your speakers turned up really loud.
Sorry for the previous incorrect info, but I guess that what's I get being a software developer at a hardware company. ;)
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I'm so confused.