2009 Blogged - Greatest Hits
While I (really) unplugged in December of 2009, you can access a nice calendar of all my 2009 posts (as well as other years) at this link.
In 2008 I published a Greatest Hits post that I will keep updated, but here's a list of links to the posts I most enjoyed writing this last year. I hope you find some of them useful, and perhaps you missed one or two or you just started reading recently and this 2009 "Greatest Hits" Post will catch you up on the stuff I was thinking about this year.
General Geekery
- Painful Reminder: Focus on Core Competencies (and Back Stuff Up)
- 10 Awesome Things I Remember About Computers
- FizzBin - The Technical Support Secret Handshake
- Paving my machine for a fresh 2009 - First-Pass Must-Haves
- Low Bandwidth View and other Hidden (and Future) Features of MSDN
- Less Virtual, More Machine - Windows 7 and the magic of Boot to VHD
- Switching my Windows 7 Boot Disk from D to C with BCDBoot rather than BCDEdit
- Running a Subversion Server off your Windows Home Server
- Virtual Camaraderie - A Persistent Video "Portal" for the Remote Worker
- Upgrading my Lenovo W500 to a OCZ Vertex 250GB SATA II Solid State Disk (SSD)
- Step-By-Step: Turning a Windows 7 DVD or ISO into a Bootable VHD Virtual Machine
- Step-By-Step: How To "Upgrade" from Windows XP to Windows 7
- Scott Hanselman's 2009 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
- Herding Cats: Organize your Desktop Icons with Stardock Fences for Windows
- Get those pixels working for you
- Don't Give Bile a Permalink - Finding Balance within The No Asshole Rule
- These are the little bugs that lead to madness
- How To Twitter - First Steps and a Twitter Glossary
- When Word of Mouth Got a Permalink - Companies, Customers and Twitter
- Twitter: Let the Information Wash Over You
- Week Three in South Africa - Scott talks to his Wife, Ntombenhle and Hanselminutes Podcast 153 - Scott's Wife Mo interviews Scott Hanselman
- Hanselminutes Podcast 145 - SOLID Principles with Uncle Bob - Robert C. Martin
- Hanselminutes Podcast 161 - BBSs and Wildcat! from Mustang Software
- Hanselminutes Podcast 166 - Windows Presentation Foundation explained by Ian Griffiths - I still get mail on this podcasts saying it was the best episode we've ever done. The credit for this goes squarely to Ian.
- "Hanselminutes on 9" - I did lots of fun videos for Channel 9 this year and I was very proud of these.
- Hanselminutes Podcast 145 - SOLID Principles with Uncle Bob - Robert C. Martin (ya, twice. It's a good show)
- Real World Apps in Days not Weeks
- Back to Basics: 32-bit and 64-bit confusion around x86 and x64 and the .NET Framework and CLR
- Mix: Getting my head around Oslo, M and MGrammar
- The Weekly Source Code 39 - Commodore 64 Emulator in Silverlight 3
- The Weekly Source Code 40 - TweetSharp and Introducing Tweet Sandwich
- Breaking All The Rules with WCF
- Top 10 Tips Working Developers Should Know about Windows 7
- The Weekly Source Code 45 - Kicking Butt on Windows 7 *and* Windows XP
- Programming for Absolute Beginners
- Light it Up: List of Applications that use new Windows 7 Features
- ASP Dynamic Data Preview - More ways to exploit ADO.NET Data Services for fun and profit
- Splitting DateTime - Unit Testing ASP.NET MVC Custom Model Binders
- ELMAH: Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET (and MVC too!)
- C# 4 and the dynamic keyword - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
- ASP 4 - Whirlwind Tour around .NET 4 (and Visual Studio 2010) Beta 1
- MultiBrowser or CrossBrowser Testing and deconstructing Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview
Gadgets and Product Reviews
- A year with an Amazon Kindle (and new Kindle Cases)
- Accidental Prescience and the Secrets of Project Natal
- It's a Man-Bag - Muzetto Laptop Messenger Bag Review
- Review - Mophie Juice Pack (not the Juice Pack Air)
- Review: Mimo Monitors - iMo Pivot
- Review: Trying Clear from Clearwire - Mobile Broadband Service
- Review and Comparison: Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD and VX-7000 with High Quality Video in Skype and Live Messenger
- Herding Cats: Organize your Desktop Icons with Stardock Fences for Windows
- Screenshots: Amazon Kindle 2 gets Better Battery Life and Native PDF Support
- Review: Zeo Personal Sleep Coach
- The (Near) Final Word on Multi-Monitor Taskbars for Windows 7 - Ultramon vs. DisplayFusion
Speaking and Presentations
- Mix 09 - First Half Rollup and Session Videos
- Mix: Mobile Web Sites with ASP.NET MVC and the Mobile Browser Definition File
- Social Networking for Developers - Conference Talk Video
- The HaaHa Show visits .NET Rocks
- Videos from the Norwegian Developer's Conference
- Oredev Keynote - Information Overload and Managing the Flow: Effectiveness and Efficiency
- Oredev 2009 - LIVE (now recorded) Closing Panel Video
Personal Stuff and LifeHacks
- South Africa 2008: NewsFlash - Turns out eating less and moving more causes weight loss
- Technical Presentations: Be Prepared for Absolute Chaos
- Baby Sign Language 2.0 - Update at 14 months
- Paint Fence, Cut Wood, Pull Weed, Plant Tree - Finding Geek Balance Outside My Comfort Zone
- Building your own Arcade Cabinet for Geeks - Part 7 - Success and Conclusion
- The Complete Series
- Best Practices for Individual Contribution
- Burnt Day - I need a Do-Over for Monday
- Square Foot Gardening for Programmers
- The Three Most Important Outlook Rules for Processing Mail
I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing them. See you next decade!
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

About Newsletter
Would be interesting to generate this list socially.
we share our internets with a couple of college students who rent a garage apartment. back in august my internets stopped working.. i called my provider and spent about an hour trying to troubleshoot the problems. finally they get the o i c moment and tell me i need to call a special phone number and speak to the master of the web. when i call him up, he informs me that i'm being naughty and hosting copyrighted torrents and lists a few of them. myself, not much into the webcam captured movies scene, knew what the problem was and how to resolve it. so i responded, 'FizzBin'.. a few moments later his response.. 'Pardon Me?'.. again, 'FizzBin'... 'What?!? Are you drunk?!? This is serious!'
trying to explain just made things worse..
at any rate, please keep trying to change the world in 2010
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ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ALFSConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ALFSConnectionString.ProviderName %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Resident] WHERE ([Resident_ID] = ?)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Resident] SET [Resident_Company_ID] = ?, ..., [Resident_Diet] = ?, [Resident_Social_Security] = ? WHERE [Resident_ID] = ?" >
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Resident_ID" SessionField="Resident_ID" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Resident_Company_ID" Type="Int32" /> ...
<asp:Parameter Name="original_Resident_Diet" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_Resident_Social_Security" Type="Int32" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Resident_ID" SessionField="Resident_ID" Type="String" />
Next thanks for all the awesome posts. Looking forward for some awesomer posts in 2010.
Comments are closed.
Looking forward for more such stuff in 2010.
Wishing everyone a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2010.
Best Regards,