Code Camp Portland - July 23 and 24
There's a new kind of developer community event out there, and we're bringing one to Portland this July 23rd and 24th. It's called Code Camp and it's been a lot of fun and a great success all over the East Coast this past year.
The original Code Camp Manifesto was by Thom Robbins starting in Boston. Portland's will be the first Code Camp west of the Mississippi!
This event is TOTALLY FREE. It's not meant to be a "come listen to pundits talk" - it's meant for you. If you have always wanted to present, then come present. The list of Tracks is up and you can just email the Track Chair and tell them what you'd like to present. We're still taking talks for many tracks so this is a great opportunity for you to share the useful things you've been exploring.
That said, we do have a pretty amazing list of presenters already, 23 to be exact as of the time of this writing, including Chris Kinsman, Ed Kaim, Andy Dunn (a fellow Coding4Fun author), and Ted Neward as well as locals like Chris Sells, Rich Claussen, Chris Goldfarb, Jason Olson, Jason Mauer (our DE) and Rory (only one name, like "Cher"). Helping organize this all along with Jason and Rich is Stuart Celarier, INETA Iluminatus who is also a world class juggler.
This isn't a .NET event, it's Code Camp. That means we'll have talks on Ruby, Rails, Squeak, Boo, whatever. We'll talk about XML, we'll talk about ASP.NET, and we'll talk about Ajax.
I'm chairing the "Hobbyist" track, so I'll personally give at least one talk with content from my Coding4Fun column and probably a talk on Ultimate Tools. I'm currently looking for talks, so if you have a talk that would be interesting to the Hobbyist programmer, email me and cc: Some ideas are: Automating your house with X10 and .NET, Using Java to talk to your Tivo, Making Coffee with get the idea. You'll speak for 60 minutes and have Q&A for 15, so be prepared, but be prepared to have fun.
For new speakers, we'll have an orientation and presentation tips talk the Friday evening before the event.
Join us at Code Camp Portland, this July 23rd and 24th at Reed College, in Portland, OR [Map]. Perhaps if you're in Salem, Eugene, Seattle or Olympia you'd like to get a bus and head down to hang out?
Register at our Yahoo Group.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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